Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Databse Approach Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Example for Free

Databse Approach Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Each individual record is represented as a row, and each attribute as a column. Entity types are related to each other using  1:N  mappings, also known as  one-to-many  relationships. This model is recognized as the first database model created by IBM in the 1960s. The  network structure  consists of more complex relationships. Unlike the hierarchical structure, it can relate to many records and accesses them by following one of several paths. In other words, this structure allows for many-to-many relationships. The  network model  is a  database model  conceived as a flexible way of representing objects and their relationships. Its distinguishing feature is that the schema, viewed as a graph in which object types are nodes and relationship types are arcs, is not restricted to being a hierarchy or lattice. Example of a Network Model. The network models original inventor was  Charles Bachman, and it was developed into a standard specification published in 1969 by the  CODASYL  Consortium. The  object-oriented structure  has the ability to handle graphics, pictures, voice and text, types of data, without difficultly unlike the other database structures. This structure is popular formultimedia  Web-based applications. It was designed to work with object-oriented programming languages such as  Java. The dominant model in use today is the ad hoc one embedded in  SQL, despite the objections of purists who believe this model is a corruption of the relational model since it violates several fundamental principles for the sake of practicality and performance. Many DBMSs also support the  Open Database Connectivity  API  that supports a standard way for programmers to access the DBMS. Before the database management approach, organizations relied on file processing systems to organize, store, and process data files. End users criticized file processing because the data is stored in many different files and each organized in a different way. Each file was specialized to be used with a specific application. File processing was bulky, costly and inflexible when it came to supplying needed data accurately and promptly. Data redundancy is an issue with the file processing system because the independent data files produce duplicate data so when updates were needed each separate file would need to be updated. Another issue is the lack of data integration. The data is dependent on other data to organize and store it.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Skills Project--Shyness Essay -- essays research papers

INTRODUCTION:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All my life I have been shy. Also, all my life I’ve been hearing people say, â€Å"She will grow out of it.† I’m 20 years old and the shyness is still here. As a kid you can get by being shy but as an adult, shyness can hold you back in many aspects of your life. DESCRIBING PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOR:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After two weeks of recording my behaviors I’ve come to realize in what situations my shyness comes into play most often. There are very few situations that I feel comfortable with myself, allowing me to speak freely. The only people that I ever feel at ease with are my own family and friends. Even my own family and friends can turn me silent in some situations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Meeting new people is a very hard task for me. Sometimes it feels almost impossible. My biggest fear of meeting new people is, not knowing what to say. In most cases I would rather avoid a situation than have to deal with the feeling of not knowing what to say. 2/6-2/9 I tried to avoid any situation that I thought I could feel awkward in. Avoidance can be either physical (steering clear of a friend after having an argument, or in my case, steering clear of a friend to avoid the chance of any awkward situation) or conversational (changing the topic, joking, or denying that a problem exists). (Ch.11-Managing Conflict, p.304) Most shy people would rather avoid the short term problem of meeting new people and asking for dates, even when the long term goal of intimate relationships are enticing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On 1/18 I had a job interview at a new pizza restaurant. My parent’s had been hounding me for months to find a job. The new pizza restaurant that was opening, the owner happened to be one of my dad’s co-workers, so I decided that even though I hated interviews I would give this one a try. It was 1/18 that the owner had called and asked for me to come in for an interview that same day. From the moment that I hung up the phone after agreeing that I would be there at 2:30 I had the same sick feeling I always got when I was nervous about something. All I could think about was all the other interviews that I had gone on in the past and never got the job, so that had to be how this was going to turn out too, that was my self-fulfilling prophecy. A self-fulfilling prophec... ...ome vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.† (Desiderata)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One source of low self-esteem is inaccurate self-perception. Sometimes I can be overly harsh of myself, believing that I’m worse than the facts indicate. Learning to have a realistic perception of myself was a hard thing to learn. Gaining self-esteem isn’t something that you will gain over night. I think throughout this term I have learned many things leading me to gain the self-esteem slowly that I lost back in high school.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To change my self-concept I have to have the will to change. I have said for many years that I want to change, but I don’t do anything but say that. I thought that being shy was who I was. My static evaluation that’s I’ve heard over and over in my head, â€Å"Ashley is shy.† (Ch. 4 – Language, p. 98) I am capable of changing this part of my life, it is something that I have to have the will to gain the skills I need to be able to change. The main thing that I learned from this project and life is, shyness may be difficult to overcome, but loneliness is harder.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Family and Medical Leave Act (Fmla)

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) What is Family and Medical leave Act (FMLA)? The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) that was passed in 1993, is a national policy that grants workers up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave in four situations. These four situations are for pregnancy; to care for an infant, such as newborns, newly-placed foster children, and adoptions; to care for a relative with a serious health condition; or to allow an employee to recover and recuperate from a personal serious health condition. This paper will be discussing the impact of FMLA on employers and the protections provided by this law. Vikesland, 2009) Protections Provided by FMLA The FMLA is covered mainly through private-sector employers and public agencies having more than five employees. Those who are eligible for FMLA, are employees who have been employed for at least one year and have worked over 1,250 hours the previous year. Those who are excluded are employees who are at any worksite when a compan y has fewer than 50 employees that work within 75 miles of the company. The basic forward motion behind this act was in due course to establish a need and assistance to families in the midst of crisis. The Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division published a Final Rule under the Family and Medical Leave Act. This final rule became effective on January 16, 2009, which updates the FMLA regulations to implement new military family leave entitlements enacted under the National Defense Authorization Act for 2008. The Impact of FMLA on Employers The FMLA is controversial even to this day. Employers who support this act argues that as more women who enter the workforce, workers have a legal right to take leave as needed to care for family members who are injured, sick, or even to care for infants. FMLA allows workers to balance their lifestyle with commitments to work and family life, making it easier for employers who support this act to retain their employees. Prior to having the FMLA passed during a debate, representatives were arguing of employees who were fired just for undergoing surgery, caring for an ill family member, or even for pregnancy and postpartum care afterwards. President Bush prior to the passing of FMLA in 1992 vetoed a similar bill which was to suppress the creation of new jobs resulting in the elimination of jobs that already xisted. With the election of President Clinton in 1992 assured the passing of FMLA which has been the focal point of Clinton’s campaign. (dol. gov. , 2009) The FMLA was the first legislation that Clinton signed after taking office. After that, employers and employees who are supporter of FMLA amended this to make sure it was incorporated in more workplaces and to help provide for paid leave instead of unpaid leave. Employers o r employees skeptical of the FMLA focused on current Department of Labor regulations for needless burdens upon employers. The Society for Human Resource Management had arguments regarding the truth and legitimacy of requested leave. With those arguments, there were changes in the policy and procedures of being an employee in a company revisiting regulations. There was also a concern that employment law had failed to account for changes through employers and did not provide enough protection to family life. There were prominent congressional debates over the bill due to the potential loss of an employee/ parent who may be forced to quit their job in order to care for one of the four situations that FMLA covers. Investigators who took a survey of leave not only focused on pregnancy and child care leave but compiled results in the year 2000 showing that a majority of workers who took leave were mainly for their own health reasons. Investigators have also collected and research on two main areas such as the effect of the regulations of covering intermittent leave and the effects of leave of the coworkers of the employees. Research shows that employees who have used this act have been mixed in with their own personal use not just for the four situations but also has aggravated absentee problems of employees. Conclusion With the finding on research and the effects of the FMLA which was at first was focused on its effects on pregnant women, mothers in need to care for a sick child which was only one part of this act being passed. FMLA is more a leave likely to be taken by employees to help balance work and life being able to take care of their own situation. There are a number of issues that employers face with FMLA but also award it and regulate it in their companies to retain employers. The national policy on the welfare of mployees is that they are able to have a leave of absence of work without the prosecution of being fired. This act enables help to situations such as pregnancy, caring for a newborn infant, newly-placed foster child/ adoptions, to care for a relative with a serious health condition; or to allow recovery of a personal serious health condition. References Family and Medical Leave Act. Wage and Hour Division. Retrieved on March 29, 2009: http://www. dol. gov/esa/whd/fmla / Vikesland , Gary. MA LP CEAP. †Balancing Work and Family†. Retrieved on March 29, 2009: http://www. employer-employee. com/fmla. html

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Cell Phones Should Be Limited During Family Events

When I was 12 years old I got my first cell phone, and I was excited. My mom put a limit on when I could be on my phone and I am grateful for that. Since 2000 technology and cell phone usage have increased tremendously over the 15 years. Everywhere you go you see people on their phones, and most peoples lives revolve around their cell phone. I know for me, I am on my phone constantly, and I probably would get more work and sleep if I stayed off my phone as much. The use of cell phones should be limited during family events, while you are working, and while you are driving. First, off family events is supposed to be a time when you interact with one another and enjoy each other presents. Now all you see at family events is people on their phones. I know for my family, we have to turn off our phones when we are at the dinner table. My grandfather told us that he feels it is disrespectful to be on your cell phones at the dinner table because that is a time to cherish one another. I believe the cell phone usage should be limited when you are around your loved ones because you do not know the day or hour they will be taken from you. Another problem were cell phones are being used too much is in the work place. However, the workplace is for working not for you to be on your phone. I know from my own experience I have gone into a fast food restaurant and all the workers will be on their phone. I feel that is unprofessional and not good customer service. When you areShow MoreRelatedAddiction As A Dependence On Substance Or Behavior Essay1094 Words   |  5 PagesThe trouble with everyday addictions such as: cell phones, drugs, and gambling, affect people’s everyday life and lives of their loved ones dramatically. Almost everyone has come encounter with a cell phone whether it is a smart phone or just a basic cell phone. It was found that the use of smartphones is about nine hours out the day for college students. 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